Guaranteed Admission to Higher Institution!


Sometimes the fear of new or innovation put us at a disadvantage to such an extent those who are courageous and smart enough enjoy enormous breakthrough.

In 1977 NBTE was set to regulate Polytechnics and oversea the award of OND and HNDs. At that time people laughed and shunned OND/HND certificate, today the story is different.


In 2000 NECO was introduced and many people laughed at it and went for WAEC and GCE, the 1st year candidates did well and smiled home with many As and Bs while people were still struggling with WAEC and GCE. Today the story is different; NECO is even harder to pass now.

In 1992 NABTEB also came with doubting thomases.

Today it is the turn of Monotechnics, IEIs and VELs dishing out NID (National Innovation Diploma) and subsequently HID (Higher Innovation Diploma) smart people are already on board and the 1st 2-3 sets already have their ND and are having direct entry to universities while their mates are still “struggling” to pass JAMB.


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